Tag: Ludwig Von Drake

The 1986 Disney DTV Valentine


Michial and I sometimes talk about parts of the movies that were cut up and repackaged. This was one such package that I watched regularly.

So far the memories from this special that we mentioned in the show have included:

  • The twitterpated scene from Bambi cut to Stevie Wonder’s I Just Called To Say I Love You. (Although I think I was conflating it in my mind with the Lionel Richie’s Hello which is a little later in the program)

  • The animation from All The Cats Join In with the music replaced by Stray Cats’ Rock This Town.

  • Ludwig Von Drake hosts

Hat tip to my mom for finding this on YouTube.



Donald Duck’s Family Tree

There are a couple very similar Donald Duck family trees floating around the interwebs, both illustrated by Don Rosa and based on the work of Carl Barks. The top image below includes Ludwig Von Drake, whereas the bottom one doesn’t. Don’t ask me which one is canon. Comicsalliance has some more interesting information on how the origins of the second image.

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